
Generating Gray Codes in C

Generating Gray Codes in C

This is C source code, written in the GCC platform (Ubuntu, 14.04 LTS, Linux).

The code generates Gray Codes. At first a palindrome number is being generated. If we Push n elements in the stack, then it generates a palindrome number of length (2^n) -1. This is the special property. Then it can generate Gray code of maximum n bit. Note that, you have to Push elements sequentially in decreasing order (e.g 4,3,2,1). It generates 121312141213121. It can generate grey code of maximum 4 bit. The code:

/*	This is a Process of generating Palindrome number from some given numbers.		This is a Process of generating Grey code from some given numbers.		It actually takes the help of palindrome generation.*/#include #define max 10#define maxim 300#define maxr 550#define maxc 9int pushA (int[], int*, int*);int cpyAC (int[], int[], int*);int palgen (int[], int[], int[], int*, int*);void display (int[], int*);void displayA (int[], int*);int greycode (int A[maxr][maxc], int*, int*, int[], int*);void grycddisp (int A[maxr][maxc], int*, int*);//----------------------------------------------------int pushA (int a[max], int *top, int *item){    printf("
	Enter element: ");    scanf("%d", &(*item));    a[++(*top)] = (*item);    printf("
	Push is successful...
");    return (*top);}//----------------------------------------------------int cpyAC (int a[max], int c[max], int *top){  int i= -1, j= -1, toc;  while (j < *top)    c[++i] = a[++j];  toc= i;		  return (toc);}//----------------------------------------------------int palgen (int a[max], int b[maxim], int c[max], int *top, int *toc){  int i, j, k, tob, x;  j= -1;  i= (*top);			  k= (*toc);			  while (k > -1)  {    b[++j] = c[k];    (*toc)--;    k= (*toc);    while (b[j] != a[i])    {      i--;    }    while (i <= (*top))    {      c[++k] = a[++i];      (*toc)++;          i+= 0;    }    (*toc)--;    k = (*toc);    k+= 0;     }  tob= j;			  return (tob);  }//---------------------------------------------------int greycode (int A[maxr][maxc], int *row, int *col, int b[maxim], int *tob){printf("

		Row= %d, Col= %d

", *row, *col);					//create co-ordinate  int i=0, j, value, k;  while (i < (*row))  {    j=(*col);    while (j >0 )    {      j--;    }    i++;  }					//greycode generation  i= 0;  j= (*col);  while (j > 0)  {    A[i][j] = 0;      j--;  }  while (i< (*row)-1 )  {    i++;     j=(*col);    while (j>0)    {      A[i][j] = A[i-1][j];      j--;    }    k= (*tob);    value = b[k];    (*tob)--;    j= value;//   printf("
	*tob = %d	b[k]= %d	value= %d		i= %d	j= %d", *tob, b[k], value, i,j);    if (A[i][j] == 0)      A[i][j] = 1;    else      A[i][j] = 0;    i+=0;  }}//------------------------------------------------------------void grycddisp (int A[maxr][maxc], int *row, int *col){  int i= 0, j;  while (i < (*row))  {    j=(*col);    while (j >0 )    {      printf("		%d", A[i][j]);      j--;    }    printf("
");    i++;  }}//------------------------------------------------------------void displayA (int a[max], int *top){  int i;  printf("
	You entered...
");  i= (*top);  while (i >= 0)  {    printf("
	%d", a[i--]);  }}//---------------------------------------------------void display (int b[maxim], int *tob){  int i;  printf("
	The items of Stack are shown...{B}
");  i= (*tob);  printf("

		");  while (i >= 0)  {    printf("%d", b[i--]);  }}//----------------------------------------------------void main (void){  int a[max], b[maxim], c[max], item=0, top =(-1), toc, tob;  int A[maxr][maxc], row =1, col =0, bit =0;  char ch;  system ("clear");  printf ("
	This is a Process of generating Grey Code of n-bit.
	Please insert n numbers in decreasing order.
	e.g 4,3,2,1 for 4-bit grey code.

");  if (top == -1)    printf("
	Initially Stack is empty...
");    printf("
	You have to give data, please start insertion.
	Press 'y' for insert, 'n' for exit.

");  ch= getchar();  while (ch == 'y')   {    top= pushA (a, &top, &item);    printf("
	'y' :insert
	'n' :exit.
");    getchar();        ch= getchar();    getchar();    if( top == (max-1) )    {      printf("
	Stack is full.
	Push operation is not possible...

");      break;    }  }  system("clear");  displayA (a, &top);  if(top == -1)    printf("
	Stack is empty...
	Copy is done...

");  else   toc= cpyAC (a, c, &top);			  tob= palgen (a, b, c, &top, &toc);		  if(tob == -1)    printf("
	Stack is empty...

");  else    display (b, &tob);//-------------------------------------------------------  printf("
	Enter the bit number of Grey code: ");  scanf("%d", &bit);  col= bit;  while (bit > 0)  {    row= (row*2);    bit --;  }    greycode (A, &row, &col, b, &tob);  grycddisp (A, &row, &col);  printf ("

	T  H  A  N  K    Y  O  U

");  }

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