Copper theft leaves Pike Township offline

Copper theft

Residents in Pike Township, Clearfield County, were left without phone and internet service after thieves stole $10,000 worth of copper wire from utility poles overnight. The theft occurred between 9 p.m. on August 4 and 6 a.m. on August 5 along Curwensville Tyrone Highway. Pennsylvania State Police reported that an unknown person or persons cut and stole 200 feet of three-hundred-strand copper wire from utility poles near Lake Drive and Bloomington Glen Richey Highway.

As a result of the theft, residents in the affected area were without phone and internet services until Verizon could repair the damaged lines. Copper theft from utility lines has become an ongoing problem in many areas.

Copper theft cuts communication lines

Thieves target the valuable metal to sell for scrap, often causing extensive damage and service disruptions in the process. State police are asking anyone with information about the Pike Township theft to contact their Clearfield office at 814-857-3800. The investigation into the incident is ongoing as authorities work to identify and apprehend those responsible for the costly crime.

Copper theft not only inconveniences residents and businesses by disrupting essential communication services, but it also poses safety risks and costs utility companies significant amounts in repairs and lost revenue. As the price of copper remains high, such thefts are likely to continue to be an issue that law enforcement and utility providers will have to contend with in the future.


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