Accurate Time Delay

This routine allows you to put a fairly accurate time delay, veryuseful for I/O routines and nice, graphic-delayed drawing routinesin your code:

 Sub Delay (milliseconds As Integer)' This Routine uses a Timer to trigger' a fixed Time Delay.'======================================Dim Temp As IntegerIf (milliseconds > 0 and milliseconds _< 32767) Then        TimeExpired = False        Main.Delay.Interval = milliseconds        Main.Delay.Enabled = True        While (TimeExpired = False)                Temp = DoEvents()        WendEnd IfEnd SubSub Delay_Timer ()'       This Routine is the Timer Event. That is, when'       the timer expires, it is disabled and the global '       variable TimeExpired = set to True.        TimeExpired = True        Delay.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub

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