Set Cursor to Control by Default

Sometimes it is useful to set a cursor to determine control when a form is loading-after the form is done loading, the cursor stays on the control you have ordered:

 Type pointapi	x As Integer	y As IntegerEnd Type'Sets the mouse cursor position in 'screen coordinatesDeclare Sub SetCursorPos Lib "User" _	(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)'Converts client point to screen coordinatesDeclare Sub ClientToScreen Lib "User" _	(ByVal hWnd As Integer, lpPoint As pointapi)Sub SetCursorToDefaultControl (Control As Control)Dim Pnt As pointapiDim x As IntegerDim y As IntegerPnt.x = Pnt.y = 0'Determine coordinates left top corner of ControlCall ClientToScreen(Control.hWnd, Pnt)x = Pnt.x + Control.Width/ _	(2 * (Scree.ActiveForm.Left + Control.Left)/Pnt.x)y = Pnt.y + Control.Height/ _	(2 * (Screen.ActiveForm.Top + Control.Top)/Pnt.y)Call SetCursorPos(x, y)End Sub

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