Java Archive (JAR) files are compressed files into which you can store many files. If you place the many classes that your application, or applet needin a JAR file, you reduce the size of your distributabels.
To create a JAR file, go to the directory where your files are located and type:
jar -cf ajarfile.jar *.*
and every file and directory in the current directory will be in a filecalled ajarfile.jar.
If you like to see what the JAR tility adds to the jar file, type:
jar -cvf ajarfile.jar *.*
The “v” option sends the JAR utility to a verbose mode, printing outinformation about its activities.
If you want to extract the content of an existing JAR file, type:
jar -xf ajarfile.jar
Again, if you like to see files (or directoies) that the JAR utilityextracts from the JAR file, use the “v” option, as in:
jar -xvf ajarfile.jar
If you like see a table of content of a JAR file, type:
jar -tf ajarfile.jar
Again, you can use the “v” option to see some information about the files in the JAR file, as in:
jar -tvf ajarfile.jar
There are other options with the JAR utility, to see them just type:
If you have a UNIX background, you might have realized the definitesimilariries beteen JAR options and the options of UNIX tar utility.