
Format Names Consistently

Format Names Consistently

People’s names come in many separate parts, some of which might not be present or known. The hassle begins when you’re dealing with a storage system?database or otherwise?where the parts are stored separately. You’re faced with the formidable task of putting it all together with correct formatting. A common mistake is formatting a person’s name whose middle initial is not known: John . Doe instead of John Doe. Using these functions, you can correct this problem without repeating effort:

 Public Function FormatName(firstname As String, lastname As _	String, Optional mi As String, Optional title As String, _	Optional Suffix As String) As String	Dim sRet As String	If Len(Trim$(title)) > 0 Then		sRet = StrConv(title, vbProperCase)		If Right$(sRet, 1) <> "." Then sRet = sRet & "."		sRet = sRet & " "	End If	If Len(Trim$(firstname)) > 0 Then		sRet = sRet & StrConv(firstname, vbProperCase) & " "	End If	If Len(Trim$(mi)) > 0 Then		sRet = sRet & StrConv(mi, vbProperCase)		If Right$(sRet, 1) <> "." Then sRet = sRet & "."		sRet = sRet & " "	End If	If Len(Trim$(lastname)) > 0 Then		sRet = sRet & StrConv(lastname, vbProperCase) & " "	End If	If Len(Trim$(Suffix)) > 0 Then		sRet = Trim$(sRet) & ", " & StrConv(Suffix, vbProperCase)	End If	FormatName = Trim$(sRet)End Function

The next function resembles the previous one, except that it puts the last name first:

 Public Function FormatNameReverse(firstname As String, _	lastname As String, Optional mi As String) As String	Dim sRet As String	sRet = StrConv(lastname, vbProperCase)	If Len(Trim$(firstname)) > 0 Or Len(Trim$(mi)) > 0 _		Then		sRet = sRet & ","	End If	If Len(Trim$(firstname)) > 0 Then		sRet = sRet & " " & Trim$(StrConv(firstname, _				vbProperCase))	End If	If Len(Trim$(mi)) > 0 Then		sRet = sRet & " " & Trim$(StrConv(Left$(mi, 1), _			vbProperCase)) & "."	End If	FormatNameReverse = Trim$(sRet)End Function
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