
Retrieve the textual or HTML text contained in a WebBrowser control

Retrieve the textual or HTML text contained in a WebBrowser control

Here’s a quick way to retrieve the textual (that is, without any HTML tag) contents of a WebBrowser control:

Dim Text As StringText = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText

Getting the HTML text is a tad less intuitive, though:

Dim Text As StringText = WebBrowser1.Document.documentElement.OuterHTML

The following procedure let’s you save the contents of a WebBroser control to a file, as plain text or HTML text:

Sub SaveWebBrowser(WB As WebBrowser, ByVal FileName As String, _    Optional SaveAsPlainText As Boolean)    Dim Text As String, fnum As Integer    If SaveAsPlainText Then        Text = BW.Document.Body.innerHTML    Else        Text = BW.Document.documentElement.OuterHTML    End If    ' save to file    fnum = FreeFile    Open FileName For Output As #fnum    Print #fnum, Text;    Close #fnumEnd Sub    


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