Private Declare Function SHEmptyRecycleBin Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _ "SHEmptyRecycleBinA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal pszRootPath As String, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As LongConst SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION = &H1Const SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI = &H2Const SHERB_NOSOUND = &H4' Empty all the files in the Recycle Bin.'' If RootPath is a null string, it affects the Recycle Bin ' of all drives. You can optionally turn off confirmation dialogs, ' progress dialog, and soundsSub EmptyRecycleBin(ByVal RootPath As String, Optional NoConfirmation As _ Boolean, Optional NoProgress As Boolean, Optional NoSound As Boolean) Dim hWnd As Long, flags As Long ' get the handle of the active window, or zero On Error Resume Next hWnd = Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd ' add a colon and backslash, if missing If Len(RootPath) > 0 And Mid$(RootPath, 2, 2) <> ":" Then RootPath = Left$(RootPath, 1) & ":" End If ' build the flags argument flags = (NoConfirmation And SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION) Or (NoProgress And _ SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI) Or (NoSound And SHERB_NOSOUND) SHEmptyRecycleBin hWnd, RootPath, flagsEnd Sub