
BusinessDateDiff – Evaluating the number of business days between two dates

BusinessDateDiff – Evaluating the number of business days between two dates

' Evaluate the number of business days between two dates' Example: Debug.WriteLine(BusinessDateDiff(#4/9/2003#, #4/25/2003#)) ' => 12Function BusinessDateDiff(ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date, _    Optional ByVal saturdayIsHoliday As Boolean = True) As Integer    Dim incr As Integer    ' incr can be +1 or -1    If startDate < endDate Then incr = 1 Else incr = -1    Do Until startDate = endDate        ' skip to previous or next day        startDate = startDate.AddDays(incr)        If startDate.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Sunday AndAlso (startDate.DayOfWeek _            <> DayOfWeek.Saturday Or Not saturdayIsHoliday) Then            ' if it's a weekday add/subtract one to the result            BusinessDateDiff += incr        End If    Loop    ' when the loop is exited the function name contains the correct result         '    End Function

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