
IsMemberSupported – Check whether an object supports a member with the specified name

IsMemberSupported – Check whether an object supports a member with the specified name

' Check whether an object supports a member with the specified name'' Examples:'    Debug.WriteLine(IsMemberSupported(Button1, "BackColor"))    ' => True'    Debug.WriteLine(IsMemberSupported(Button1, "Focus"))        ' => True'    Debug.WriteLine(IsMemberSupported(Button1, "TextColor"))    ' => False'    Debug.WriteLine(IsMemberSupported(Button1, "Print"))        ' => FalseFunction IsMemberSupported(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal memberName As String) As _    Boolean    ' get the array of MemberInfo with the specified name - Type.GetMember     ' returns an array    ' because a member could have overloaded versions    Dim mi() As System.Reflection.MemberInfo = obj.GetType().GetMember _        (memberName)    ' returns True if the returned array has at least one item    Return (Not mi Is Nothing AndAlso mi.Length > 0)End Function

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