
SaveCSV – Saving the content of a FlexGrid control as a CSV-file

SaveCSV – Saving the content of a FlexGrid control as a CSV-file

' Save the content of a FlexGrid control as a CSV-file' Example: SaveCSV("C:Test.csv", MSFlexGrid1)Private Sub SaveCSV(ByVal strFilename As String, ByRef msFlex As MSFlexGrid)    Const SEPARATOR_CHAR As String = ","    Dim intFreeFile As Integer    Dim strLine As String    Dim r As Integer    Dim c As Integer    intFreeFile = FreeFile        Open strFilename For Output As #intFreeFile        With msFlex        ' Every row        For r = 0 To .Rows - 1            strLine = ""                        ' Every column            For c = 0 To .Cols - 1                strLine = strLine & IIf(c = 0, "", _                    SEPARATOR_CHAR) & .TextMatrix(r, c)            Next c                        Print #intFreeFile, strLine        Next r    End With        Close #intFreeFileEnd Sub

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