I defined a class A, which has three constructors:
A(), A(int), A(int, int)Can I just define the behavior in one constructor, say
A(int, int)
, and let the other two constructors call A(int, int)
?I can do that in Java.
For example,
public class A{ public A() { this(1, 2); } pub A(int i) { this(i, 2); } public A(int i, int j) { c = i + j; } public int c;}How do I do that in C++? And will it allocate the variables twice in C++?
Cool idea, but unfortunately you can’t do that. You can, however, apply one of two solutions. You can overload the constructor in a manner similar to what is being illustrated in your code sample, but instead of attempting to call one constructor from the other, you can create a private helper function that all constructors call, thus giving you the same effect (see code extract below).
#includeA more elegant alternative is to create a constructor with default parameters. Check out the code extract below:class A{// Constructorspublic: A( ); A(int); A(int , int);// Operationspublic: int getTotal();// Helper functionprivate: void Init(int, int);// Attributesprivate: int c;};A::A( ){ Init( 1, 2 );}A::A(int i){Init( i, 2 );}A::A(int i, int j){ Init( i, j );}void A::Init(int i, int j){ c =3D i + j;}int A::getTotal(){ return c;}void main(){ A myA1; A myA2(5); A myA3(5, 4); cout << "myA1 total: " << myA1.getTotal() << endl; // myA1 total: 3 cout << "myA2 total: " << myA2.getTotal() << endl; // myA2 total: 7cout << "myA3 total: " << myA3.getTotal() << endl; // myA3 total: 9}
#includeThe C++ compiler will automatically overload the constructor applying the same body of code in all cases. Just imagine the compiler generating the following overloaded constructors:class A{// Constructorpublic: A(int i =3D 1, int j =3D 2);// Operationspublic: int getTotal();private: int c;};A::A(int i, int j){ c =3D i + j;}int A::getTotal(){ return c;}void main(){ A myA1; A myA2(5); A myA3(5, 4); cout << "myA1 total: " << myA1.getTotal() << endl; // myA1 total: 3 cout << "myA2 total: " << myA2.getTotal() << endl; // myA2 total: 7cout << "myA3 total: " << myA3.getTotal() << endl; // myA3 total: 9}
A::A( ){ c =3D 1 + 2;}A::A(int i){ c =3D i + 2;}A::A(int i, int j){ c =3D i + j;}In any case, you can see the elegance of default parameters if used appropriately as opposed to function-overloading, be it constructors or regular member functions.