I created a program to Add User Account to my NT Server. It reads from a text file which provides the user info. Everything works fine, except that the user’s full name takes the value from the user id. I used USER_INFO_2 and I specified the flag usri2_full_name to take the values from the text file (the value has been changed to unicode). This really puzzles me as the rest works fine. Please advice.
It’s really hard to say without seeing both the code and the declares, but there are lots of way to go wrong with the unicode functions, and only a couple of ways to do it correctly. The following VB code will allow you to add users, including full names, to either the local machine or the server.
' ***********************************************' IN A MODULE (*.BAS) FILE' ***********************************************Option ExplicitPrivate Declare Function lstrlenW _ Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Sub CopyMem _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (pTo As Any, _ uFrom As Any, _ ByVal lSize As Long)' **************************************************' Inputs : ByVal xi_lngStrPtr:Long -- Pointer to a string' Outputs : String: Translated string' Description : When passed a pointer to a string,' : return that string' **************************************************Public Function PointerToStringW(xi_lngPtrString As Long) As StringOn Error Resume Next ' Don't accept error here Dim p_abytBuffer() As Byte Dim p_lngLength As Long If xi_lngPtrString <> 0 Then p_lngLength = lstrlenW(xi_lngPtrString) * 2 If p_lngLength Then ReDim p_abytBuffer(0 To (p_lngLength - 1)) As Byte CopyMem p_abytBuffer(0), ByVal xi_lngPtrString, p_lngLength PointerToStringW = p_abytBuffer End If End If On Error GoTo 0End Function' **************************************************' Inputs : ByVal xi_lngDWord:Long -- Pointer to a DWord' Outputs : String: Pointer' Description : When passed a DWord, return a pointer to' : that DWord' **************************************************Public Function PointerToDWord(xi_lngDWord As Long) As LongOn Error Resume Next ' Don't accept error here Dim p_lngRtn As Long If xi_lngDWord <> 0 Then CopyMem p_lngRtn, ByVal xi_lngDWord, 4 PointerToDWord = p_lngRtn End If On Error GoTo 0End Function' ***********************************************' IN A FORM (*.FRM) FILE' ***********************************************Option Explicit' ---------------------------------------------' API calls' ---------------------------------------------Private Declare Function NetUserAdd _ Lib "netapi32.dll" _ (ServerName As Byte, _ ByVal Level As Long, _ Buffer As USER_INFO_3, _ parm_err As Long) As Long' ---------------------------------------------' Possible errors with API call' ---------------------------------------------Private Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED As Long = 5Private Const NERR_BASE As Long = 2100Private Const NERR_GroupExists As Long = NERR_BASE + 123Private Const NERR_NotPrimary As Long = NERR_BASE + 126Private Const NERR_UserExists As Long = NERR_BASE + 124Private Const NERR_PasswordTooShort As Long = NERR_BASE + 145Private Const NERR_InvalidComputer As Long = NERR_BASE + 251' ---------------------------------------------' General constants used' ---------------------------------------------Private Const constUserInfoLevel3 As Long = 3Private Const TIMEQ_FOREVER As Long = -1&Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260&Private Const DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS As Long = &H201&Private Const USER_MAXSTORAGE_UNLIMITED As Long = -1&' ---------------------------------------------' Used by usri3_flags element of data structure' ---------------------------------------------Private Const UF_SCRIPT As Long = &H1&Private Const UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE As Long = &H2&Private Const UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED As Long = &H8&Private Const UF_LOCKOUT As Long = &H10&Private Const UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD As Long = &H20&Private Const UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE As Long = &H40&Private Const UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD As Long = &H10000Private Const STILL_ACTIVE As Long = &H103&Private Const UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT As Long = &H200&Private Const UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H2000&Private Const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION As Long = &H400&Private Const UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT As Long = &H100&Private Const UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H800&Private Const UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H1000&' ---------------------------------------------' The USER_INFO_3 data structure' ---------------------------------------------Private Type USER_INFO_3 usri3_name As Long usri3_password As Long usri3_password_age As Long usri3_priv As Long usri3_home_dir As Long usri3_comment As Long usri3_flags As Long usri3_script_path As Long usri3_auth_flags As Long usri3_full_name As Long usri3_usr_comment As Long usri3_parms As Long usri3_workstations As Long usri3_last_logon As Long usri3_last_logoff As Long usri3_acct_expires As Long usri3_max_storage As Long usri3_units_per_week As Long usri3_logon_hours As Long usri3_bad_pw_count As Long usri3_num_logons As Long usri3_logon_server As Long usri3_country_code As Long usri3_code_page As Long usri3_user_id As Long usri3_primary_group_id As Long usri3_profile As Long usri3_home_dir_drive As Long usri3_password_expired As LongEnd TypePrivate Sub Command2_Click() Dim p_blnRtn As Boolean On Error Resume Next p_blnRtn = AddUser(xi_strServerName:="PDCNEW", _ xi_strUserName:="MyUser1", _ xi_strPassword:="ABCDEF", _ xi_strUserFullName:="Long Name for MyUser", _ xi_strUserComment:="This is a comment") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description & " in the function " & Err.Source End If End Sub' **********************************************' Add a user either to NT -- you *MUST* have admin or' account operator priviledges to successfully run' this function' **********************************************Public Function AddUser(ByVal xi_strServerName As String, _ ByVal xi_strUserName As String, _ ByVal xi_strPassword As String, _ Optional ByVal xi_strUserFullName As String = vbNullString, _ Optional ByVal xi_strUserComment As String = vbNullString) As Boolean Dim p_strErr As String Dim p_lngRtn As Long Dim p_lngPtrUserName As Long Dim p_lngPtrPassword As Long Dim p_lngPtrUserFullName As Long Dim p_lngPtrUserComment As Long Dim p_lngParameterErr As Long Dim p_lngFlags As Long Dim p_abytServerName() As Byte Dim p_abytUserName() As Byte Dim p_abytPassword() As Byte Dim p_abytUserFullName() As Byte Dim p_abytUserComment() As Byte Dim p_strServerName As String Dim p_typUserInfo3 As USER_INFO_3 If xi_strUserFullName = vbNullString Then xi_strUserName = xi_strUserName End If If Len(xi_strServerName) < 1 Then p_strServerName = "" Else p_strServerName = UCase$(xi_strServerName) If Left$(p_strServerName, 2) <> "\" Then p_strServerName = "\" & p_strServerName End If End If ' ------------------------------------------ ' Create byte arrays to avoid Unicode hassles ' ------------------------------------------ p_abytServerName = p_strServerName & vbNullChar p_abytUserName = xi_strUserName & vbNullChar p_abytUserFullName = xi_strUserFullName & vbNullChar p_abytPassword = xi_strPassword & vbNullChar p_abytUserComment = xi_strUserComment & vbNullChar ' ------------------------------------------ ' Get pointers to the byte arrays ' ------------------------------------------ p_lngPtrUserName = VarPtr(p_abytUserName(0)) p_lngPtrUserFullName = VarPtr(p_abytUserFullName(0)) p_lngPtrPassword = VarPtr(p_abytPassword(0)) p_lngPtrUserComment = VarPtr(p_abytUserComment(0)) ' ------------------------------------------ ' Fill the VB structure ' ------------------------------------------ p_lngFlags = UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT Or _ UF_SCRIPT Or _ UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD With p_typUserInfo3 .usri3_acct_expires = TIMEQ_FOREVER ' Never expires .usri3_comment = p_lngPtrUserComment ' Comment .usri3_flags = p_lngFlags ' There are a number of variations .usri3_full_name = p_lngPtrUserFullName ' User's full name .usri3_max_storage = USER_MAXSTORAGE_UNLIMITED ' Can use any amount of disk space .usri3_name = p_lngPtrUserName ' Name of user account .usri3_password = p_lngPtrPassword ' Password for user account .usri3_primary_group_id = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS ' You MUST use this constant for NetUserAdd .usri3_script_path = 0& ' Path of user's logon script .usri3_auth_flags = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_bad_pw_count = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_code_page = 0& ' Code page for user's language .usri3_country_code = 0& ' Country code for user's language .usri3_home_dir = 0& ' Can specify path of home directory of this user .usri3_home_dir_drive = 0& ' Drive letter assign to user's profile .usri3_last_logoff = 0& ' Not needed when adding a user .usri3_last_logon = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_logon_hours = 0& ' Null means no restrictions .usri3_logon_server = 0& ' Null means logon to domain server .usri3_num_logons = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_parms = 0& ' Used by specific applications .usri3_password_age = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_password_expired = 0& ' None-zero means user must change password at next logon .usri3_priv = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_profile = 0& ' Path to a user's profile .usri3_units_per_week = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_user_id = 0& ' Ignored by NetUserAdd .usri3_usr_comment = 0& ' User comment .usri3_workstations = 0& ' Workstations a user can log onto (null = all stations) End With ' ------------------------------------------' Attempt to add the user' ------------------------------------------ p_lngRtn = NetUserAdd(p_abytServerName(0), _ constUserInfoLevel3, _ p_typUserInfo3, _ p_lngParameterErr) ' ------------------------------------------' Check for error' ------------------------------------------ If p_lngRtn <> 0 Then AddUser = False Select Case p_lngRtn Case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED p_strErr = "User doesn't have sufficient access rights." Case NERR_GroupExists p_strErr = "The group already exists." Case NERR_NotPrimary p_strErr = "Can only do this operation on the PDC of the domain." Case NERR_UserExists p_strErr = "The user account already exists." Case NERR_PasswordTooShort p_strErr = "The password is shorter than required." Case NERR_InvalidComputer p_strErr = "The computer name is invalid." Case Else p_strErr = "Unknown error #" & CStr(p_lngRtn) End Select On Error GoTo 0 Err.Raise Number:=p_lngRtn, _ Description:=p_strErr & vbCrLf & _ "Error in parameter " & p_lngParameterErr & _ " when attempting to add the user, " & xi_strUserName, _ Source:="Form1.AddUser" Else AddUser = True End IfEnd Function