Assigning C-strings

I am just beginning to learn C++ and I’ve stumble on an error that I cannot figure out despite all my efforts. Here is the code where I’m having trouble with. Thank you for any help that you can provide.

 //a sub function to sort a global arrayvoid sortArray(phoneAddress info[]){   //declare variables   char lastName[25] = "";   char swap ='Y';   while (swap ='Y')   {      swap ='N';      for (short x = 0; x < 6; x++)      {         if (stricmp(info[x].nameL, info[x + 1].nameL)==-1)         {            swap ='Y';         lastName = info[x].nameL;// error            info[x].nameL = info[x+1].nameL;// error            info[x+1].nameL = lastName;// error         }   //end if      }   //end for   }   //end while   for (short x = 0; x < 6; x++)        // sub function   displayInfo(info, x);}   // end function

Error Message on all 3 is this: "'=':left operand must be I-value."

You cannot assign a C-string using operator =. Instead, use strcpy() for that purpose.


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