
June 11, 1998

auto_ptr<>: your safe guard against memory leaks

The Standard Library supplies the class template auto_ptr which automatically deallocates heap memory. Likewise, local objects are reclaimed in case of exiting their scope or during “stack unwinding” caused by

extern “C” linkage declaration

It is not uncommon for C++ code fragments to be called by non-C++ programs such as a C-based communication software, COBOL based TP monitors and the likes. However, global functions

Exception-free version of operator new

Operator new throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc when it fails to allocate the requested amount of memory. Yet in some circumstances, or due to performance considerations, throwing an exception

That’s what friends are for

A class can declare external functions or other classes as friends. Friendship grants full access to all of the grantor’s members, even private and protected ones: void encrypt (string &