
August 5, 1998

Microhelp and the Status Bar

Question: I’ve heard that the MDI Frame status bar can be subdivided so that multiple messages can be sent there. The only two methods of manipulating the status bar that

sql user name

Question: How can I find out the user name at SQL prompt. Answer: In SQL Server, you can write select user_name()

Tab Control

Question: I have a popup window with tab control (four tabs). I need to specify at open time which tab page gets control. It always opens tab 1 no matter

SQL and arrays of data

Question: I need to enter up to 1,600 measured data points into a SQL database. Each point makes one record. Is there a way to enter all of these records

Converting txt Files

Question: How can I import a delimited text file into a SQL Sever table? Answer: Welcome to the world of BCP. Included with SQL Server, the Bulk Copy Program will

Alwyas on Top

Question: How can you make your application “always on top,” just like the Windows clock application can? I use PB 4.0 and Windows 3.1. Answer: Use the SetPosition command to

Local External Functions

Question: Instead of distributing a user object (and its functions) as a PBD, I want to distribute it asa DLL (build runtime library, machine code),and then access its functionality in

Using ActiveX controls in PowerBuilder 6.0

Question: I would like to know how to find information(books, online documentation) on using ActiveXcontrols in PowerBuilder. Answer: I find the best way to learn how to use a new

Unmatched Query

Question: When one is working with large amounts of data, what is the quickest way of displaying rows not found when comparing two tables, without doing the following: SELECT table1.field1