
November 2, 1998

Customize VI6 DTC

Question: I know how to use the new RecordSet control from VI6 to display records into a Grid; but how do I implement a query at runtime? For example: SQL

Migrate Access97 Apps with InterDev

Question: I am trying to migrate an Access97 database application to a Web-based application. I bought InterDev because it purportedly makes this process easy. But I cannot create a form

ASP InterDev problem with filter

Question: Hello from France,I’m on Windows NT4.0 with SQL Server 6.5and Visual Interdev. I use the DataForm wizard to connect to a data base. When I’m on the xxxxlist.asp with

Radio Button

Question: How can I make the contents of a table change when the user selects a different radio button? Just like “Button” input type has an event called “onClick,” is