
February 24, 1999

Quirks of the Dir$ Function

If you use the intrinsic VB Dir$ function to check for the existence of a certain file, then subsequently try to remove the directory where the file is found using

Keep Menu Items in Sync With Enabled Property

How many times have you had to control the same processes with both command buttons and corresponding menus? I expect you’d say “many,” which means you’ve had to set the

Determine Which Scrollbars are Visible

Sometimes, it’s useful to know whether a control is displaying vertical scrollbars, horizontal scrollbars, both horizontal and vertical, or no scrollbars at all. For instance, when determining the amount of

Enumerate Your Errors

To keep a list of available error codes in your components, declare a private enumeration: Private Enum Errors InvalidUserID = vbObjectError + 513 InvalidPassword SearchNotFoundEnd Enum Setting the first value

View Selected Text From the Beginning

Most professional and commercial applications exhibit a specific behavior when using dialog boxes with text fields: When you tab to an input field, or hot-key (using some ALT-key combination), you

Allow Multiple Winsock Connections to One Server

The Winsock control allows you to make only one connection between two computers. However, you can create multiple connections (many computers to one) by creating multiple instances of the Winsock

Using a Non-Databound Grid

Question: I am creating an Active Server Pages (ASP) application using Visual InterDev and I need to display data in a non-bound data grid. I have read that it is

Quick Timer Control Replacement

Timer controls can be practical when you need to add a small delay in program execution. However, if you need the delay in a class module (instead of on a

Locating the Results Page in Index Server

When you use Index Server and Internet Information Server (IIS), you get a moderately useful search process built into your Web application. However, it isn’t readily apparent where that data