
May 5, 1999

Avoid Integer Overflow

When working with integer expressions there is often the risk of raising the “Overflow” error. More specifically, there can be two occasions when this frequently occurs:When you multiply or add

CLSIDToProgID – Convert a CLSID into a ProgID

Private Declare Function ProgIDFromCLSID Lib “ole32.dll” (pCLSID As Any, _ lpszProgID As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib “ole32.dll” (ByVal lpszProgID As _ Long, pCLSID As Any) As LongPrivate

Let the user build a connection string

You can programmatically display the standard DataLink property dialog box to let the end user manually build a connection string, that you can later assign to the ConnectionString of an

Don’t hard-code font names and size

Unless you have good reason to do otherwise, you should always use standard fonts in your programs, because this ensures that your application will work on every Windows system.If you

Undocumented behavior of the CInt() function

The CInt() function rounds to the nearest integer value. In other words, CInt(2.4) returns 2, and CInt(2.6) returns 3. This function exhibits an under-documented behavior when the fractional part is

Move Animated GIFs Across a Web Page

Question: I’m trying to make an animated GIF move across a Web page, but the animation freezes in both Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape Navigator 4. I tried to do

ProgIDToCLSID – Convert a ProgID into a CLSID

Private Declare Function CLSIDFromProgID Lib “ole32.dll” (ByVal lpszProgID As _ Long, pCLSID As Any) As LongPrivate Declare Function StringFromCLSID Lib “ole32.dll” (pCLSID As Any, _ lpszProgID As Long) As LongPrivate

Fly the Flag

The clock applet that comes with Microsoft Plus! has an interesting feature: Its window is round instead of rectangular. Surprisingly, giving your form an odd shape is easy. Add this