
June 30, 1999

Handling Session Timeouts

Question: When a user accesses an application on my site, a sessionID is generated. After the application is accessed the user leaves the machine alone until the session times out.

VB DHTML Input Field Handling

Question: I have a DHTML form that is dynamically generated based on a user’s selection from a list box. It generates a table line for product information which includes text

Creating a CWnd Class for Printing, Not Viewing

Question: After significant development time, a wonderful class derived from CWnd was created by our team to pull together text, graphics, etc. in a Paintbrush type of application. Now, we’d

ASP & MS Excel

Question: I can start excel on my server from an ASP script and then create and save a document. When I’m done, Excel doesn’t shutdown. I’ve tried various commands to