
October 5, 1999

View-only Admin Permissions

Question: Is there an NT Account Operator equivalent in Exchange? Answer: Yes, in a manner of speaking. To give a user, such as an assistant, permissions to create, modify, and

Applications that Benefit from Using XML

Question: What types of applications can I use XML in? Also, how do I convert my existing ASP-based applications into XML? Answer: While there really isn’t any application that probably

Use a Data Stream as a Source for DOMDocument

Question: Instead of using: oXML.Load “c:program filesxml notepadAppntmts.xml” I want to do something like: oXML.Load Command() where the Visual Basic Command function returns an XML formatted data stream passed on

Making the Permissions Tab Appear

Question: I am trying to set up delegate rights on different clients in a domain. However, when I try to pull up the Properties tab on folders on some of

Minimizing Window Shortcut Key

Question: I can press Windows Key + M to minimize all windows, but how do I minimize only the current window without using my mouse? Answer: Well, I can give

Don’t Get Cached

Adding this META tag: to the document prevents the Web page from being cached by the browser. This tag ensures that a new copy of the document will always be

Using Recordset::GetString()

You can use GetString() method of ADODB.Recordset object if you want to dumpthe complete table in an active server page. GetString() method returns thecomplete recordset as a string. You can