
January 29, 2000

Create TextBox with dithered background

If your video display has 256 colors or less and you assign a dithered color to the BackColor property of a TextBox control, you’ll find that the background color under

Undo changes in a TextBox control

The TextBox control supports the capability to undo changes, but there is no property or method that exposes this feature. You can achieve the same goal with a a set

Be Aware Of The Signed Byte

Java lets you cast an integer into a byte and vice versa. While this provides power and flexibility, we should be aware that Java’s byte data type is signed, meaning

Validate Dates With Java

We can use java.text.DateFormat to validate dates. DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses. It provides parsing methods for conversion of text into date. If the conversion cannot

StringTokenizer and the Missing Token

If we have a comma delimited string like “token0,token1,token2,,token4” that has some token(s) missing, and we try to use java.util.StringTokenizer to place each delimited token in a slot of an