February 2, 2000

Database Performance Degradation

Question: We are running Informix On-Line Database Engine 7.23 on an HP UX 11.0 machine with 4 CPUs.The database is connected through a middle-tier, which is ENTERA Application Server running

Fix VID Connections on NT Server

Users of Visual InterDev sometimes report getting an error message when they try to create a new project. The error claims that there is no Web named “”. This can

Building an Application Error Handler

untime errors can occur as a result of attempts to complete an invalid operation while the program is running. There are two causes of runtime errors: either one of the

Writing Java for the Palm

ava continues to make inroads at all levels of computing. Mostrecently, Java has returned to its roots and found a home in the smalldevices for which it was originally designed.

Maintain Large Databases with XML Servers

ne of the more common questions asked here at “Ask the XML Pro” has to do with the dilemma of maintaining large databases of XML data. Specifically, suppose that you

Validating and Formatting a Phone Number

any of the more common questions asked of the VB Pro involve formatting and validating data. In this 10-Minute Solution, you’ll learn how to validate and format a phone number.