Convert a color value to a gray scale
When you have a 32-bit color value, you can convert it to a grey-scale – that is, you can determine how it would appear on a monochromatic display (more or
When you have a 32-bit color value, you can convert it to a grey-scale – that is, you can determine how it would appear on a monochromatic display (more or
You can easily create a ListBox control similar to the one found in the VB’s Project References dialog box, that lets you select multiple items and move them up and
When dynamically changing the bound ADORecordset for a DataCombo or DataList control, the order you follow when assigning the properties is important. This is the correct sequence of operations to
When you want to process the data in a Recordset without affecting the actual values in the database, often the Clone method isn’t what you need. For example, if you
If you have a 32-bit color value in RGB format, you can extract its Red, Green and Blue components using the following routines: Function GetRed(ByVal lColor As Long) As Long
You can customize your applets by providing parameters at runtime in . But it is a good practice to always provide default values, when specific values for parameters are not
You can generate Random numbers in Java using the Random class available in java.util package. The following is a code which generates Random numbers between 0 and 100: import java.util.Random
Although the Scripting Object Model (SOM) in Visual InterDev 6 makes for quick development, it doesn’t cover all the functionality that you need. For example, in Visual Basic it is
Primitive datatypes in Java are always a passby value. You can pass them by reference, by wrapping the data in to single element array. Here is the code (Tested on