
March 5, 2000

OLE Automation of Word

Question: How do you open a specific Word document through a Visual FoxPro program? Answer: You simply add the document to the Word.Application’s Documents collection. Here is a code sample

Create a Context Menu

Question: I’m having a problem creating a context menu in a grid (by clicking on the right button of the mouse). I created this menu by programming a method that

Not Wanting Table to Remain Read-Only

Question: I created a command button on the main form. It runs another wizard-generated form that edits a table in the database container. It works in test, but when I

Restricting Users’ External E-mail Access

Question: We have a private WAN network with Exchange Server 5.5 and also have one inbound/outbound Internet mail service for all people to use to send Internet e-mail. I want