
August 1, 2000

MTS Programming

Question: Should I make a call to GetObjectContext() in every function in my DLL? Obviously, you are going to do that in your “main” methods, but does calling GetObjectContext() in

Reference to Pointers

Question: When should you use reference to pointers like those found in function arguments (class_name * & )? Answer: When you want the callee to change the pointer itself, not

Quick comparison among UDTs

When you need to compare two User Defined Type (UDT) variables to check whether they are equal, the only approach that you can follow in plain VB is to compare

Do Templates Increase Executable Size ?

Question: Since template code is generated at compile time, it implies that there should be a separate set of code for each template objects created. Does that mean templates increase

Reserved Words

Question: Where can I find a list of reserved words in C++? Answer: Most C++ books include a list of reserved keywords. Here’s the list: asm do if return typedefauto

Changing the Value of Global Parameters

Question: With XSL, can I change the value of global parameters inside the templates named temp? Answer: No. Parameters and variables in XSLT, once defined, essentially are fixed for a

VB Constant Declaration

Question: What does the ‘* 1’ mean in this constant declaration? Public Const gcsDelimiter As String * 1 = “|” Answer: The * in your example defines the size of

Our Top 10 Tips for Classic ASP

ur focus has always been on assisting the new ASP programmer in mastering the techniques that the pros use all the time. Thus, to help you wade through the list

Dynamic SQL in Oracle 8i

Oracle 8I gives developers a new feature to allow execution of native dynamic SQL. This is an alternative to the DBMS_SQL package previously required. Now developers can use dynamic SQL