December 5, 2000

Testing for Closed Socket

Question: Is there any way to test if a socket is still open without writing to it? Answer: Despite being relatively easy to use, the Socket class is not implemented

Updating HTTP Headers

Question: In the first servlet we set the value for HTTP header as below: response.setHeader(“SessionKey”,”SessionValue”); In the next servlet we tried retrieving the above set header value as: request.getHeader(“SessionKey”); We

Use a VB Label as a Web Link

I like the idea of clicking on a VB label that looks like a Web anchor and pops up the Web browser pointing the user to the page. Here is

Union Structure in Visual Basic

When using C++, the Union enables programmers to look at the same memory area from different perspectives. The same is possible in Visual BASIC. There is an LSET statement that

Sort The Contents of an Array

Private Sub BubbleSort(varArray As Variant, bAscending As Boolean) ‘Option Base 0 is assumed Dim HoldEntry As Integer Dim SwapOccurred As Boolean Dim iItteration As Integer Dim i As Integer SwapOccurred

Null Handling in VB6

A simple way to get around having to handle Nulls in fields from recordset is to concatenate a zero length string at the end of the field value, as illustrated

Validate Text to Numeric

Public Function ValidateTextToNumeric(ctlToValidate As TextBox)’**********************************’This function tests the validation’for Numeric value of a given text’**********************************Dim strTextToValidate As StringDim blnNumericValid As BooleanstrTextToValidate = ctlToValidate.Text’*** Validation would be TRUE, in all the