Insert a picture into a RichTextBox control
Here’s a simple method to programmatically insert an image into a RichTextBox control, by copying it into the clipboard and then pasting it into the control: Private Declare Function SendMessage
Here’s a simple method to programmatically insert an image into a RichTextBox control, by copying it into the clipboard and then pasting it into the control: Private Declare Function SendMessage
Often properties and methods associated with grid controls don’t provide an absolute row index of current or selected rows (relative to the actual first row and not the first displayed
Even the latest versions of Oracle
When you are unsure if you need to instantiate an object from your ASP pages, as in the case of instantiating a COM object to access SQL Server, it is
If you need to execute a stored procedure from a Command object, and the stored procedure will not return any rows, you can boost performance of the Command object by
When referencing recordset values in your ASP code, don’t use the commonly used
If you do, then all the pages will fight for the use of this connection. In addition, don’t cache an ADO connection in the Session object. If you do, a
When creating stored procedures in a database other then the Master database, avoid using the ‘sp_’ prefix. System stored procedures are the only ones that should use the ‘sp_’ prefix.