
January 19, 2002

Create directory paths

Visual Basic 6’s MkDir command, as well as the DOS MD command, can create only one subdirectory and fail if any subdirectory on the specified path doesn’t exist: ‘ This

Implementing IClonable – Shallow copies

An object that want to support cloning should implement the ICloneable interface. This interface exposes only one method, Clone, which returns a copy of the object. The ICloneable specifics don’t

Implementing ICloneable – Deep copies

The simplest way to create a generic deep copy routine, that is a procedure that can create a true, distinct copy of an object and all its dependent object, is

Reading text files

In Visual Basic .NET you read a text file by first opening a StreamReader on it, and then iterating over all its lines until its Peek method returns -1: Dim

Filter file names on their names or attributes

The GetFiles and GetDirectories methods of the System.IO.Directory class can take an argument containing wildcards, to filter the result: ‘ Display all the *.txt files in C:DOCS.Dim fname As StringFor

Display a directory tree

Thanks to the GetDirectories and GetFiles methods of the System.IO.Directory class, you need very little code to iterate over all the directories and files of a directory tree. For example,