
October 19, 2002

Persist ADO.NET extended properties

Many ADO.NET classes, including DataSet, DataTable, and DataColumn, use the ExtendedProperties property to enable users to add custom information. Think of the ExtendedProperties property as a kind of generic cargo

A better way to query for a single node

In the XmlNode class, that is the class that provides node functionality in an XMLDOM representation of an XML document, the SelectNodes (and the ancillary SelectSingleNode) method exploits the XPath

Automatically hyperlink URLs in ASP.NET Pages

Suppose that your ASP.NET pages display contents read from database fields. Suppose also that some of those fields may contain URLs or email addresses. A typical example is when you

Handle child XML nodes with care

When you work with XML documents loaded into an XmlDocument class, you often need to examine the contents of child nodes. The XMLDOM programming interface purposedly provides the ChildNodes property.

Serialization and Events

Andrea Zanetti Riccardo Munisso Downolad code from here Introduction Serialization is a very powerful characteristic of the .NET Framework. Serialization make the task of object persistency very easy but there