ConcatenateFiles – Concatenating multiple text files
‘ Concatenate a variable number of text files into a single result file” Params:’ – resultFile: the complete path of the result file you want to create’ – header: a
‘ Concatenate a variable number of text files into a single result file” Params:’ – resultFile: the complete path of the result file you want to create’ – header: a
‘ Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified folder has filesFunction FolderHasFiles(ByVal folderPath As String) As Boolean Return System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).Length > 0End Function
Shared Function _ GetWindowDC(ByVal hWnd As Integer) As IntegerEnd Function Shared Function _ PathCompactPath(ByVal hDC As Integer, _ ByVal pathBuffer As System.Text.StringBuilder, _ ByVal dx As Integer) As BooleanEnd Function’
‘ Returns a boolean indicating whether two files are equal’ Example: Debug.WriteLine(CompareFiles(“D:File1.mdb”, “D:File2.mdb”))Function CompareFiles(ByVal path1 As String, ByVal path2 As String) As Boolean Dim file1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(path1) Dim file2
‘ Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified folder has sub-foldersFunction FolderHasSubFolders(ByVal folderPath As String) As Boolean Return System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath).Length > 0End Function
‘ Retrieves the description of a file from the registry’ or a null string if the file’s extension isn’t registered’ Example: Debug.WriteLine(GetFileDescription(“D:”))Function GetFileDescription(ByVal filePath As String) As String ‘