Autoboxing/Unboxing in J2SE 1.5
Before J2SE 1.5, Java had primtive data types with wrappers around them, so programmers had to convert from one type to another manually: public void manualConversion() {int a = 12;Integer
Before J2SE 1.5, Java had primtive data types with wrappers around them, so programmers had to convert from one type to another manually: public void manualConversion() {int a = 12;Integer
Say you’ve got a function: void f1( int iData){cout
Sometimes you need to update or insert into a view. But say your view has multiple tables like the outemp view: create or replace view outemp asselect EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE,SAL,COMM,dnamefrom emp e