
September 21, 2005

Send Email in C# Code

In order to send email in C# code, do the following: // create mail message objectMailMessage mail = new MailMessage();mail.From = “”; // put the from address heremail.To = “”;

Improve Performance by Reducing Column Size

During design time, you generally allocate some space to the columns by default. When it comes to tweaking performance, you may try to go back to the design and reduce

Using a Function Call as an Lvalue

An Lvalue is an expression that can appear on the left-hand side of an equals sign. Likewise, an Rvalue expression appears on the right-hand side of the equals sign. Therefore

Using Java to Handle Custom WSDL Data Types

he onslaught of Web services messaging and XML-based data transfer has led to a need to express these message exchanges in some structured way. The Web services Description Language (WSDL)

View the Bytecode Contained in a Java Class

If you look in the bin directory of a regular Java2 SDK installation, you’ll find a ‘javap’ application (javap.exe), which you can use as a disassembler by adding the -c