
August 28, 2007

JavaFX Enters the RIA Race

ich Internet Application or RIAs are all the rage in application development circles now. How do you make web applications behave like more traditional desktop applications? You remember desktop applications

Fresh AIR for RIAs

ich Internet Applications (RIAs) represent not only an established, but a rapidly expanding, segment of software development. Although descriptions of RIA abound, most people agree that they blur the line

Managed Code Shines in Silverlight 1.1

n addition to the XAML and JavaScript combination supported in Silverlight 1.0, this Silverlight 1.1 Alpha client also supports managed code written in a language such as C# or VB.NET.

Have You Xiine It?

his is an exciting time for CoDe Magazine and EPS Software Corp.! For the last year or so, we have been building a brand new, .NET 3.0-based digital publishing platform