

Using REGEX Case Sensitively

Consider a table with data as below. + — — — + — — — — — — + — — — — — — +| ID | FIRSTNAME |

Understanding Checksum Table in MySQL

CHECKSUM is a concept that is used to verify if the related files/contents are not tampered with or corrupted. On similar lines, MySQL provides CHECKSUM TABLE to verify the CHECKSUM

Renaming a User in MySQL

There are instances in which a user is created according to current requirements. However, as the design progress and requirements freezes or changes, there is a possible need to change

Setting Up a PROXY User in MySQL

In MySQL, a user is allowed to have a PROXY user. This means that a user can behave the same way as the original user with the same permissions as

Disabling Binary Logs in MySQL

Logs often come in handy for problem resolution. However, there are times when there are too many logs that are not useful from the developer’s perspective. One such log is

How to Change the Storage Engine in MySQL

Every table in MySQL will have a storage engine that offers certain capabilities. Some storage engines offer performance, some of them transaction support, and so on. By default, all tables

Understanding What Grants a User Has in MySQL

MySQL allows various permissions to be set for users during (or after) creation. The following command comes handy to understand what GRANTS a user has. Command: SHOW GRANTS FOR user;

How to Use the Show ProcessList in MySQL

This command is similar to that of an operating system command that shows all the processes. In MySQL, this command, when executed, lists all of the processes that hold a

Using the Insert on Duplicate Key Update in MySQL

An interesting statement in MySQL is the INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. This statement tries to INSERT?a record, and on finding a duplicate key, performs the action provided alongside. Example: