
Determine if Your Program is Running Within VB’s IDE

Determine if Your Program is Running Within VB’s IDE

Sometimes it is useful to know if your program is running within Visual Basic’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or as a standalone EXE. This routine returns True if the program is running within VB’s IDE:

 Public Function RunningInIDE() As Boolean	'Assume running as EXE for now	RunningInIDE = False	'Trap errors	On Error GoTo RunningInIDEErr	'Divide by zero (fails within IDE)	Debug.Print 1 / 0	'Exit if no error	Exit FunctionRunningInIDEErr:	'We get error if Debug.Print was	'evaluated (i.e. running in the VB IDE)	RunningInIDE = TrueEnd Function

RunningInIDE performs a division by zero in a Debug.Print statement. Within the IDE, this causes a divide overflow, which the function traps in an error handler. When the program is run as a standalone EXE, Debug.Print statements are not evaluated and no error occurs.


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