
Change the Appearance Property of a Text Box at Run Time

Change the Appearance Property of a Text Box at Run Time

Sorry, you can’t change the Appearance property of a text box at run time?but you can make it look like you have! If set to none, a 3-D picture box has a flat BorderStyle property. Put your text box (with a flat appearance) inside a picture box (with a 3-D appearance) and change the picture box’s border style. Use this complete code-be sure you place Text1 inside Picture1:

 Private m_Text1_Appearance As LongPrivate Sub Form_Load()	With Text1		Picture1.Width = .Width		Picture1.Height = .Height		.Move 0, 0	End With	Text1_Appearance = 1  '3DEnd SubPublic Property Let _	Text1_Appearance(nAppearance As Long)	With Picture1		Select Case nAppearance			Case 0  'Flat				.BorderStyle = nAppearance			Case 1  '3D				.BorderStyle = nAppearance		End Select	m_Text1_Appearance = .BorderStyle	End WithEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Text1_Appearance() As Long	Text1_Appearance = m_Text1_AppearanceEnd Property
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