Use Native Trackselect in TreeView and ListView

You can make your TreeView or ListView control behave like a menu so that as you move the mouse cursor over the items, the highlighted item moves with the cursor. Use this code in the TreeView or ListView’s MouseMove event:

 Private Sub TreeView1_MouseMove(Button _	As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As _	Single, y As Single)	Dim AnyNode As Node	' HitTest returns a node object 	' under the cursor	Set AnyNode = TreeView1.HitTest(x, _		y)	If Not AnyNode Is Nothing Then		Set TreeView1.DropHighlight = _			AnyNode		TreeView1.DropHighlight. _			Selected = True	End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub ListView1_MouseMove(Button _	As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As _	Single, y As Single)	Dim AnyItem As ListItem	'HitTest returns a node object under 	'the cursor	Set AnyItem = ListView1.HitTest(x, _		y)	If Not AnyItem Is Nothing Then		Set ListView1.DropHighlight = _			AnyItem		ListView1.DropHighlight. _			Selected = True	End IfEnd Sub

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