
DB2 UDB V7 (Inserting into Identity Columns)

DB2 UDB V7 (Inserting into Identity Columns)

This tip provided by Experts Exchange

DB2 UDB V7 (Inserting into Identity Columns)


This tip provided by Experts Exchange.



I am working with DB2 UDB v7 and need to insert into a tablewith an identity column.


Student    CourseGrade
——-    ———–
Fred       A
Wilma      B

TargetTable Desired result:  
(SurrogateKey is defined as
Int Generated Always As Identity
(Start with 1, Increment by 1, No Cache)
SurrogateKey     Student    CourseGrade
————     ——-    ———–
1               Fred      A
2               Wilma     B

I want to write a statement like:
Insert into TargetTable
From SourceTable

This produces an error “The number of values assigned is not the same asthe number of specified or
implied columns”

Is there a way to specify that the first column is inserted into an identitycolumn?



Accepted Answer:

To create records using the identity column you shouldspecify only the fields that need populating.

insert into targettable (student,coursegrade) select student,coursegrade fromsourcetable;


insert into targettable (student,coursegrade) select * from sourcetable;

If updating with values use

insert into targettable (student,coursegrade) values (‘Fred’,’A’);


Written on 2/06/2001



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