
Return the Date of the Next Specified Day of the Week

Return the Date of the Next Specified Day of the Week

This code will return the date of the next weekday that you specify.For example, assuming today is July 4th, 2001 and you need to know the date for next Monday, the line:

 dDate = NextDay(Monday)

will return ’07/09/2001′.

 Public Enum DayOfWeek  Sunday = 1  Monday = 2  Tuesday = 3  Wednesday = 4  Thursday = 5  Friday = 6  Saturday = 7End EnumPublic Function NextDay(ByVal vuDay As DayOfWeek) As Date  Dim liToday As Integer  liToday = Weekday(Date)  Select Case liToday    Case vuDay      NextDay = Format(DateAdd("d", 7, Date), "mm/dd/yyyy")    Case Is < vuDay      NextDay = Format(DateAdd("d", vuDay - liToday, Date), "mm/dd/yyyy")    Case Is > vuDay      NextDay = Format(DateAdd("d", 7 - liToday + vuDay, Date),"mm/dd/yyyy")  End SelectEnd Function


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