
Send an HTML Email Without Using the JavaMail API

Send an HTML Email Without Using the JavaMail API

Send an email without using JavaMail API, by using the Java Core packages(*;*) to pass three parameters. The first parameter is the SMTP mail server, the second parameter is the Sender Address (From address), and the third parameter is the Recipent Address (To Address).

Here’s the code:

 import;import*;public class Test{	static BufferedReader br;	static OutputStream os;	public static void main(String asdf[])	{		try		{			if(asdf.length == 3)			{				Socket socket=new Socket_(asdf[0],25);				br= new BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));				os = socket.getOutputStream();				smtpCommand("HELO "+asdf[0]);				smtpCommand("MAIL FROM: _"+asdf[1]);				smtpCommand("RCPT TO: _"+asdf[2]);				smtpCommand("DATA");				smtpCommand("From: _"+asdf[1]+"
To: "+asdf[2]+"
Subject: test
This is in BOLD tag
This isin Italic tag
This is in UnderLine Tag
"); System.out.println("
Message _Sent Successfully to"+asdf[1].substring(0,asdf[1].indexOf("@"))); } else { System.out.println_("

Usage : java "); System.out.println_("
Example : java Test [email protected] [email protected]"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // This method will communicate with SMTP server private static void smtpCommand(String command) _throws Exception { br.readLine(); os.write((command+"
").getBytes()); }}

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