Compare Oracle and SQL Server Dates

Oracle and SQL Server databases use different date/time resolutions, which poses a problem when you compare times from the two databases: The times will rarely be equal. Solve this problem by allowing for a margin of error. Treat the dates and times as floating-point numbers and remember that each day is equal to the whole number 1, and there are 86,400 seconds in a day. This function matches times within five seconds (default) of one another:

Public Function MatchTime(adoFldOracle As ADODB.Field, _	adoFldSQLServer As ADODB.Field, _	Optional ByVal Tolerance As Long = 5) As Boolean	Dim dtOracle As Date	Dim dtSQLServer As Date	Dim dblTolerance As Double	Const OneSecond As Double = 1 / 86400	dblTolerance = OneSecond * Tolerance	dtOracle = adoFldOracle.Value	dtSQLServer = adoFldSQLServer.Value	If ((dtOracle > (dtSQLServer + dblTolerance)) Or _		(dtOracle < (dtSQLServer - dblTolerance))) Then		MatchTime = False	Else		MatchTime = True	End IfEnd Function

Andy Clark, Richmond, Va.


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