
NetworkUserName – The user name used to establish a network connection

NetworkUserName – The user name used to establish a network connection

Private Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib "mpr.dll" Alias "WNetGetUserA" (ByVal _    lpszLocalName As String, ByVal lpszUserName As String, _    lpcchBuffer As Long) As Long' return the current default user name or' the user name used to establish a connectionFunction NetworkUserName() As String    Dim buffer As String    buffer = Space$(256)    ' if the WNetGetUser API returns 0, then    ' the user name is in buffer    If WNetGetUser(vbNullString, buffer, Len(buffer)) = 0 Then        NetworkUserName = Left$(buffer, InStr(buffer, vbNullChar) - 1)    End IfEnd Function

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