URLEncodeEx – Apply URL encoding rules

' Applies URL encoding rules to the specified Text and returns the result' (similar to Server.URLEncode)Public Function URLEncodeEx(ByVal Text As String) As String        Dim abytTokens() As Byte    Dim lngTotal As Long    Dim lngCount As Long    Dim astrReturn() As String    Dim strReturn As String        strReturn = Text        If Trim$(strReturn) <> "" Then        ' convert to an array        abytTokens = StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode)                lngTotal = UBound(abytTokens)                ' dimension enough space for the return        ReDim astrReturn(lngTotal)                For lngCount = 0 To lngTotal            Select Case abytTokens(lngCount)                Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122                    ' don't touch alphanumeric chars                    astrReturn(lngCount) = Chr$(abytTokens(lngCount))                Case 32                    astrReturn(lngCount) = "+"                Case Else                    If abytTokens(lngCount) < 16 Then                        astrReturn(lngCount) = "%0" & Hex$(abytTokens(lngCount))                    Else                        astrReturn(lngCount) = "%" & Hex$(abytTokens(lngCount))                    End If            End Select        Next ' lngCount        strReturn = Join(astrReturn, "")            Erase astrReturn        Erase abytTokens    End If        ' join the return tokens together    URLEncodeEx = strReturn    End Function'###################################'#'# This tip has been brought to you by www.omnisolvonline.com,'# makers of a host of software development, energy and information '# management tools.'#'###################################


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