
Copying the selected text of a RichTextBox text into the Clipboard

Copying the selected text of a RichTextBox text into the Clipboard

' Copy the RichTextBox's selected text into the Clipboard' Example: CopyFromRichTextBox (richTextBox1)Public Sub CopyFromRichTextBox(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, _    Optional ByVal availableAfterEnd As Boolean = False)    Dim data As New DataObject()    ' get the selected RTF text if there is a selection,    ' or the entire text is no text is selected    Dim rtfText, plainText As String    If rtb.SelectionLength > 0 Then        rtfText = rtb.SelectedRtf        plainText = rtb.SelectedText    Else        rtfText = rtb.Rtf        plainText = rtb.Text    End If    ' do the copy only if there is something to be copied    If rtfText.Length > 0 Then data.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, rtfText)    If plainText.Length > 0 Then data.SetData(DataFormats.Text, plainText)    ' finally copy into the clipboard    Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, availableAfterEnd)End Sub


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