' Returns a hashtable with the key-value pairs extracted from the querystring ' of the specified url' EXAMPLE:' Dim ht As Hashtable = GetUrlParameters' ("http://www.mysite.com?param1=123¶m2=¶m3=234")' ' print the key=value pairs to the console window' Dim myEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = ht.GetEnumerator()' While myEnumerator.MoveNext()' Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", myEnumerator.Key, myEnumerator.Value)' End While' ' print the value of a specified param, named param3' Console.WriteLine("Param3: " & ht("param3"))Function GetUrlParameters(ByVal url As String) As Hashtable Dim ht As New Hashtable() ' consider only the querystring, that's the part after the ? char Dim qsStart As Integer = url.IndexOf("?") If qsStart > -1 Then url = url.Substring(qsStart + 1) ' split the querystring with the & char Dim params() As String = url.Split(New Char() {"&"c}) Dim param As String ' for each param extract the param name (the part before the =) and the ' value For Each param In params Dim i As Integer = param.IndexOf("="c) If i > -1 Then ht.Add(param.Substring(0, i), param.Substring(i + 1)) End If Next Return htEnd Function