FindControl – Retrieving a reference to the control with the specified name

' Return a reference to the control with the specified name,'  searched into the specified container and its sub-controls' Note: it requires the GetAllControls function'' Example: get a reference to a Label named "lblTest", and set its Text property'   DirectCast(FindControl("lblTest", Me), Label).Text = "Found!"Function FindControl(ByVal ctlName As String, ByVal container As Control) As _    Control    ' retrieve an array with all the controls of the input container controls,    '  and its sub-controls    Dim ctls() As Control = GetAllControls(container)    Dim ctl As Control    For Each ctl In ctls        ' loop through the returned controls, and return the one with the         ' wanted name, if present        If ctl.Name = ctlName Then Return ctl    NextEnd Function


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