When I search in a Paradox database when I use Delphi, I get the message “Index is out of date.” Why?
This error message is usually attributed tomaking a copy of the table to a new directory and overwriting the old copy. Butthere’s a twist: Not only do you have to copy the table itself, youmust copy all the files with the same name as your table to the newdirectory. This includes all files with the extensions: PX, XGn, YGn(where n = 0, 1, 2 depending on the secondary index), and TV (I think theremight be a couple more).
For example, if I have a table that has a primary index, and a couple ofmaintained secondary indices associated with it, I’d have a set of filesthat looks like this:
MyTable.DBMyTable.PXMyTable.XG0MyTable.XG1MyTable.YG0MyTable.YG1To properly use the table in different directories, I’d have tocopy all the files above to the new directory, overwriting any existingfiles. If I don’t do this, I’ll get an”Index out of date” error when I try to access the table.
The only other reason you’ll get this error is if one of your indices wascorrupted in some way. To correct the problem, open the table in restructure mode in the Database Desktop, redefine yourindexes, then re-save the table.