Do you have any examples of calling MS Word Visual Basic to open, modify, print and close a document (i.e., calling macros, inserting tables)?
Here is an example of connecting to Word, and creating a table, then populating the table with headings, it should give you a few pointers on how to get up and running. The Word macro editor is the best place for information on writing Word automation.
OleObject lole_OLE, lole_Selectionlole_OLE = CREATE OleObject// Connect to the word applicationlole_OLE.ConnectToNewObject( 'word.application.8' )lole_OLE.Application.Visible = TRUElole_OLE.Documents.Add()lole_Selection = lole_OLE.Selection// Create a table for the list data and add the column headerslole_OLE.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add( lole_OLE.Selection.Range, 1, 3 )lole_Selection.TypeText( 'First Name' )lole_Selection.MoveRight( 12 )lole_Selection.TypeText( 'Last Name' )lole_Selection.MoveRight( 12 )lole_Selection.TypeText( 'City' )lole_Selection.MoveRight( 12 )lole_OLE.DisconnectObject()DESTROY lole_OLE