
Form Validation

Form Validation

I need to perform a validation on five fields in a form. The logic is:

If field1 length >0 then disallow form submission if field2,field3, field4, and field5 are all empty. However, if any one of the fields (2-5) contain info, then submit the form.

I have tried many variations of the following code, but it still forces me to enter something in all the fields (2-5).

if ((document.addorupdate.field1.value.length >1) && ((document.addorupdate.field2.value == "")| | (document.addorupdate.field3.value == "")| |(document.addorupdate.field4.value == "")| |(document.addorupdate.field5.value == ""))){alert("Sorry, you must update one of the empty fields.");return false;}else {return true ;}

Try this instead:

myForm = document.addorupdatefilledOut = falseif (myForm.field1.value != "") {	if (myForm.field2.value != "") filledOut = true	if (myForm.field3.value != "") filledOut = true	if (myForm.field4.value != "") filledOut = true	if (myForm.field5.value != "") filledOut = true}if !(filledOut)	alert("Sorry, you must update one of the empty fields.")return filledOut


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